Charitable Association for Financial Literacy
All services available in English

Dein Pensionskonto entschlüsselt: So sicherst du deine Zukunft!
Erkenne frühzeitig deine Pensionslücke und erfahre, mit welchen Maßnahmen du deine Pension nachhaltig aufbessern kannst
Online Financial Literacy Workshop
Cost: Free
Duration: 90 minutes (60 minutes presentation, 30 minutes Q&A)
Location: Online on March 3, 2025, and September 22, 2025
On March 3, 2025, we will host a free, 90-minute online workshop on the topic of the Pensionskonto, designed to provide participants with comprehensive and practical knowledge about the Austrian pension system.
How the Pensionskonto Works: Participants will learn how the Austrian Pensionskonto is structured, what information it contains, and how contributions are calculated toward a future pension.
Pension Eligibility Requirements: The workshop will explain the conditions for receiving a pension, such as minimum insurance periods and the statutory retirement age.
Checking Account Balances and Pension Estimates: Guidance will be provided on how to access your Pensionskonto online or via written request, what information it offers, and how to calculate your expected pension amount.
Addressing Pension Gaps and Increasing Pension Benefits: Participants will explore strategies to actively influence their pension, such as additional contributions, voluntary payments, or optimizing insurance periods.
This workshop not only delivers in-depth information but also offers the opportunity to ask questions and address individual concerns. The goal is to highlight the importance of early planning and equip participants with practical knowledge to effectively shape their retirement planning.